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Peri-Implant Disease and Conditions – Dental Disorders

The dental implant procedure usually has a high success rate of around 90-95%, which makes it a popular treatment for replacing teeth. However, the success rate of dental implants depends on many factors. One such factor includes peri-implant disease or dental disorders.

In general, peri-implant disease refers to conditions related to soft—and hard-tissue deficiencies that help predict the success of a dental implant.

This article is for you if you are wondering how to deal with peri-implant diseases or wish to learn about them in detail.

What is a Peri-Implant Disease?

Peri-implant disease refers to inflammatory conditions affecting the soft and hard gum tissues around a dental implant. Similar to your natural teeth, bacteria can also build up on the base of an implant.

If left unnoticed, these bacteria irritate the gum tissues, causing them to become inflamed and damaged. If proper treatment is not provided, these bacteria continue to damage the tissues, further deteriorating the implant.

What are the Types of Peri-Implant Diseases?

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, dental disorders or peri-implant diseases are of 3 types:

  1.     Peri-implant mucositis
  2.     Peri-implant implantitis
  3.     Peri-implant deficiencies of soft or hard tissues

What is Peri-Implant Mucositis?

Peri-implant mucositis is an inflammatory disease that causes lesions on the soft tissues surrounding dental implants. This damages the supporting bone and causes the implant to deteriorate.

Common signs and symptoms of this include

  1.     Accumulation of bacterial film around the implant
  2.     Swelling around the gum tissue
  3.     Redness
  4.     Extreme pain

Early diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant mucositis play a determining role in securing dental implant stability and strength. If diagnosed early, it can save your implant from further decay and prevent bone structure loss. If left unnoticed, this condition continues to become worse and may even advance into peri-implantitis.

What is Peri-Implantitis?

While peri-implant mucositis is an early-stage infection, peri-implantitis is a severe stage. During this, the tissues around the dental implant are completely damaged and even begin to break down. This can lead to extreme pain, swelling, difficulty biting, and chewing.

Since this is a severe stage, it calls for immediate peri-implantitis treatment.


How Common are Dental Disorders?

Peri-implant diseases or dental disorders are not very common. Peri-implantitis accounts for 20% of people with dental implants. The condition is mainly seen in people who smoke and have underlying medical conditions, including diabetes. It is also common if you have had a dental implant for many years.

What Causes a Peri-Implant Disease?

Peri-implant diseases are mainly caused by a lack of oral health regime, which causes bacteria to develop below the gumline. This can lead to infection and inflammation in the gum tissues or mucosa. Other factors include:

  1.     Smoking
  2.     Diabetes
  3.     Weak immune system
  4.     Poort implant placement
  5.     Poorly fitted crowns
  6.     Not visiting a dentist for follow-up appointments

Common Signs of Peri-Implant Diseases

The common signs of peri-implant diseases that you need to watch out for are:

  1.     Swelling or redness around the implant
  2.     Discharge of pus from the implant
  3.     Discharge of pus and pain in gums around the implant
  4.     Tenderness around the implant
  5.     Loosening of the implant
  6.     Bad taste in the mouth
  7.     Lesions
  8.     Bone loss

Stages of Peri-Implant Diseases?

The peri-implant disease begins from peri-implant mucositis and advances to peri-implantitis. This entire process includes the following stages:

1. Early Inflammation

The first stage of peri-implant disease includes initial inflammation in which gums around the implant become red and swollen. This is mainly caused by the build-up of bacteria around the implant surface.

2. Progressive Inflammation

During this stage, the inflammation around the implant becomes more pronounced, which can lead to bone loss around the implant. You may also notice severe tenderness and swelling around your gums.

3. Advanced Inflammation

During this stage, the inflammation around the implant is more severe, leading to bone loss. The implant may become loose, and you may also notice a discharge of pus around the area.

4. Implant Failure

If the condition is not treated during the advanced stage, it may eventually cause your implant to fail. An implant is completely removed at this stage, and bone grafting is done to place a new implant.

What are Treatments for Peri-Implant Diseases?

The treatment for peri-implant disease includes a combination of removing the dead tissues or bacteria along with medications.

Your dentist will first focus on removing plaque and tartar from and around the implant surface. You may also be given certain mouthwashes to cleanse your mouth, kill bacteria, and control the infection.

To Sum It Up

Although dental implants are usually successful, proper care is necessary to prevent them from failing. If you notice early signs of or need a dental implant checkup, you can consult a specialist and discuss your concerns about peri-implant disease.

Contact Periodontal Specialists for expert care and treatment of peri-implant disease. Our experienced periodontists are dedicated to providing comprehensive care to help you maintain optimal oral health.

Schedule your consultation today!