5 Tooth Brushing Tips Everyone Must Know
Maintaining a healthy set of pearly whites is nothing less of a blessing. Just ask anyone who is suffering from gum disease (gingivitis). According to dentists, gum disease is one of the first signs of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease causes adults to lose their teeth and it is an irreversible damage. One major factor in […]
7 Ways to Prevent Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a dental condition that is caused by excess build up of plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky white film that stays on the teeth and if it is not cleaned, it turns brown and eventually black. When the bacteria start growing and reaching the gums, they become inflamed and become […]
5 Benefits of Getting Full Mouth Dental Implants
Are you missing all your natural teeth? If yes, then getting full mouth dental implants is the best option for you. Sure, there are easier ways to replace those missing teeth like with bridges or dentures, but these devices can be uncomfortable. Also, you don’t want everyone to know about the dentures, do you? […]
Gum Diseases – Symptoms and Treatments
Did you see a bit of blood in the sink after you brushed your teeth? Bleeding gums could be a warning sign that you might have a gum disease. There are different forms of periodontal diseases ranging from simple inflammation of the gums to major soft tissue and bone damage. As it progresses, gum disease […]